Thursday, 24 February 2011

Personality and Self Concept

People tend to misinterprete, personality and self concept.  Differentiating between the two, can be difficult. 

In my opinion:
Personality is made up from a number of things.  People's beliefs, thought, behavioural traits and overall characteristics, making them unique.

Self Concept "refers to the beliefs a person holds about his or her attributes, and how he or she evaluates these qualities.  While one's overall self-concept may be positive, there may are certainly parts of the self that are evaluated more positively than others."

The actual result of someone's personality, can be drastically different to thier self- concept. 

This image shows Victoria Beckham.  The public and her fans, from the little they know about her life, may see her personality as reserved, sophisticated, moody and very high maintainance.  Despite this being her apparent personality, her self concept may depict her as a loving, bubbly down to earth and eco friendly, person. 

In another case, I found where it is possible for personality and self concept, to match.

Ozzy Osbourne has a very wild character! He is very outspoken, explicit in his vocabulary and gaudy.  This is how I perceive his personality to be.  And it does not differ much, from his self concept, how he sees himself. 

According to Kotler's table of 'Major influences of buyers/ business buyers', personality and self concept come under, PERSONAL.  All this links to marketing in Aaker's  model. 

Brands have personality and effectively associating a brand with someone's personality, could enhance sales.  When selling a product or offering a service, the consumer's aspirations are targeted; how/who they would like to be. 


At 15 March 2011 at 03:13 , Blogger Ruth Hickmott said...

good so far but you need to go further into the academic componenet - theorists on personality - and you need to find some advertising examples which are relevant to people's self-esteem or lack of it

At 21 March 2011 at 04:45 , Blogger Ruth Gould said...

Ok, I will edit this post. Thank you


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